
Monday, 2 April 2012

Abi and the Changes

Abi was chosen by a client for some modelling through Pure Curvation. Caroline of Mobile Hair and Beauty was keen to work with a model for her new website. The day went very well. Abi was the perfect choice for Caroline to show off her skills and experience in Hair and Make-up. We managed to fit in five different looks to show off the versatility of make-up and Abi fitted in very well. Very successful day with the client very happy. Talented Abi Flynn is an amazing singer too.

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Raphaella The Female Form

Just enjoy the shape and form of Raphaella. The final set of an amazing day where I had the freedom to work with someone fantastic.

Monday, 19 March 2012

Luminitsa Luminosity

Luminosity you ask? Of course. It is about the personality and Luminitsa is just that. Vibrant, fun and a really colourful character. Last minute let-downs are always a real come-down but Luminitsa is always ready to jump in and get in front of camera at short notice. We always get totally involved and forget time. We also without finding time to plan just work instinctively and come away with different and diverse images. Time seems to fly and before we know it we are both tired and ready to view with excitement the results.