Driving the long journey to Rye I was to meet Jordana. We had never met but it was a shoot I was confident would go well. Driving on to Dungeness Beach the immensity of the location was sinking in. It was important that model and photographer got on well and I was to have no worries on this count with Jordana. She was enthusiastic, friendly and a lovely conversationist. The Fishing huts and abandoned boats created one of the most interesting locations I have ever been to for a shoot. Towards the end of the shoot we were approached by the Romney Marsh Nature Ranger who gave us a lecture on the whole area being prvate. Something hard to fathom with so many tourists there and no signs to indicate this! We promised not to go near the Power Station which might alert the armed police there. Shoot done and rather exhausted it was homeward bound. Jordana had been terrific and working in studio is next on the agenda I hope.